Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Firefox SQLite Manager extension

A number of desktop applications use SQLite as a datastore, as it is lightweight and require no configuration to work out of the box.

I have a few applications running in Ubuntu that use SQLite, and I am currently learning pyGTK programming by writing an application that uses SQLIte for a backend.

I was looking for a management tool to use to query the various databases (especially my database under development) when I found the Firefox extension.

As with all Firefox extensions, it installed easily enough after the browser was restarted and is accessed from the Tools menu.

It opens in its own window, with a list of databases appearing in a tree in the left hand pane. Three tabs in the right hand pane give you access to the structure of tables, a browse window and a query window.

SQLIte in Firefox

This is a really handy extension which performs well, you should give it a try if you need to query your SQLite databases.

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